Tony Blair needs to keep quiet and stay out of Brexit
Once again the tainted voice of former PM, Anthony Blair, has spoken regarding Brexit, his victim this time, being his own beloved Labour Party, whereupon he blasts the current leader Corbyn for not doing enough to undermine and sink the Brexit project (currently being discussed in Brussels).

Mr Blair strongly gives voice in opposition to the Brexit deal and criticises the Labour Party for a weak opposition performance!
However it proves once again, how he and his opinions/comments, are not only out of touch with the modern day Labour voters, but also their Leader Corbyn.
The Blair blunderbuss blasts Brexit yet forgets a massive 17.4 million people voted democratically to leave the EU and a great majority of those leavers were from Labour strongholds in the North and Welsh valleys.
Once again Blair has lost his way and once again he talks above his station, he is yesterday’s man, remember the guy who took us to war against WMD with his sidekick Bush, invaded Iraq, all down to this loudmouth know it all, and as I speak, for once I applaud Jeremy Corbyn for his silence in reply to Blair.
Who cares what Blair thinks? What right has he to meddle with the Labour Party, let alone Brexit? Go away and sort out the Middle East, silly little man. Robert Mugabe is looking for a golf partner?
Mr M Addison