The problem for the NHS: Too many people

And so as Christmas and the new year come and go, so too are we treated to the usual dire warnings of doom and gloom surrounding our once great National Health Service, and its lack of ability to cope with the ever increasing demands put upon it.

What next for the NHS?

Stories of people who are clearly in distress lying on floors, waiting in corridors, ambulances doubling as waiting rooms, unable to collect the next batch of unwell patients, all serve to fill the pages of national and local rags with implications of frightening proportions for the future of our very wellbeing.

Is this situation supposed to surprise and shock us? Hold on a minute, the only surprise in all of this is that we are at all surprised.

Politicians seem to think that by telling us how much extra money they are throwing at the hospitals we will believe, as they appear to do, that this will solve the crisis and all will be well.

Anyone with an ounce of foresight will realise that any public funded service, at any time of year, free at the point of demand, will only be able to work efficiently up to a certain capacity, beyond which, no matter how much money is injected, it will cease to operate efficiently and become inefficient purely due to the excessive demands on it.

The question is, what is creating those demands? The answer of course, is people.

Those same politicians apologising for deferred or cancelled operations and treatment are the very people who have flooded and continue to flood this country with immigrants, causing not only our hospitals to buckle and break, but also our housing infrastructure, our schools, our prisons, our police force and our jobs market for indigenous people.

No politician has yet to my knowledge upon being interviewed on TV, openly stated that all of these services and facilities will eventually collapse simply due to the number of people in the country, and yet those same politicians constantly tell us how we need ever more people to keep the country going.

Sorry, the truth is, we need less people not more, and unless we acknowledge that and implement a plan to reverse the current deluded policy of unbridled immigration, then all we can look forward to is indeed, the doom laden predictions we have seen in the last few days regarding the health service becoming a reality for all of our way of life here in the UK.

Clive Potts
