Brexit? Remainers still want in
Mr Cliff of Wall Heath writes that "Remain voters have the right to question the Government". Would that it was so simple. I suggest that you do not want to just question government, you would dearly love to reverse the vote!

The Brexit shockwave that went through the government and the 'London-centric' based population was palpable. It was a vote that they had not predicted and that simply could not be believed. "It must now be reversed," you can almost hear them cry. "How can all those idiots North of Watford not realise the consequences?"
Well, here is one of those 'northern idiots' who despises the machinations of people who cannot face up to the fact that they lost. The country voted out!
You lost! Stop trying to reverse the decision and get behind a government that is doing what it was elected to do. The government is enacting the majority will of the people!
This so called 'democratic' backlash against the Tories is a scandal. This is not even party politics. This is greed rearing its ugly head again. Too many Londoners were making too much money out of Europe, at the expense of the rest of Britain. Of course, they want the gravy train to stay!
Theresa May is NOT a brexiteer. She is, though, doing what she was elected to do. Never mind her personal feelings, she has to set those aside. It is called 'work'. You should try it!
I repeat....... she is doing what she was elected to do. Do you really think that she is going to sell the country short? Of course not!
So, let the Tories do their job. Obviously democracy dictates that they be accountable, but how would you perform if you were second guessed every-time you made a decision at work? You are not there, you were never elected, but you do have a government that was elected. At the end of the day the buck stops with them. No party can satisfy everybody and there will be an awfully high number of dissatisfied people, just because we are leaving Europe, but as long as the majority are satisfied then it will be ok. The majority wants out. And quickly!
Chris Smith