Snow stopping play – nanny state, bah humbug!
So it’s snowing and the country grinds to a halt. Motorways closed, airports closed down, schools shut, even some churches locked. No Sunday paper – when I phoned the paper shop they told me “We can’t send them out in these conditions because if they were injured they would sue the shop”.

So much for health and safety under the EU laws. No one wants to see young girls and boys injured delivering papers so that might be justified, but airports, motorways, schools, etc, closed because we have encountered snow. In Austria, Switzerland, Canada all prepare for winter.
I know in this country we never know what weather we will get, but come on, buses off, airports, schools, have you noticed the Asian shop on the corner, the pubs are open. I went in my local today it was blizzarding it down, but they still managed to get there with their kids.
In the 50s I had a paper round. I have trudged through snow up to my armpits to deliver the papers. Sundays you not only delivered the papers you had to collect the money. Us kids couldn’t wait to go to school – you wouldn’t miss it for your life. In 1963 I walked to work as a young apprentice to Bayliss, Jones & Bayliss in snow up to my waist. Health and safety, nanny state, bah humbug.
Keith Parton