Damage caused by EU edges us towards anarchy
Since joining the Common Market we have surreptitiously become a member of the EU. Now we have a vast army of bureaucrats churning out thousands of laws which can overturn our own laws and democratic wishes.

On top of this we have had a string of disasters such as the ERM, excessive immigration, open borders, human rights and then some farcical aspects of health and safety.
Of course the remainers are keen to point to our institutions which benefit from EU grants. Where is the sense in us giving Brussels money for them to give back minus the colossal red tape costs. I can recall a Laurel and Hardy sketch similar to this only not quite so stupid.
Regarding the false accusation that the Brexiters are anti-European I am certain that almost everybody wants full cooperation but without the Brussels gobbledegook and its perks, expenses and gold plated pensions.
It would be interesting to see a list of the fat cat beneficiaries especially now that Nigel Farage is one of them. With all the damage already done, Brexit or no Brexit, I fear that we could be edging towards anarchy.
Mr J Saunders
West Bromwich