EU actions are pathetic in Brexit talks
Having read the letter from Alan Davis, E&S, 2nd December, I agree wholeheartedly with his summing up of the current situation regarding the fiasco that is the EU.

Because of Theresa May’s gentle, polite approach we are coming across to the rest of the world as a weak entity from all angles, instead of a force to be reckoned with.
When push comes to shove eventually Brussels will be laughing up their sleeves as to how long they have manipulated the lady into pouring more and more millions into their coffers, which is the main reason they are dragging things out.
This great country of ours will not sink if we come out of this mess without a trade agreement. Brussels are brainwashing Mrs May and her ilk into believing there will be no life for us outside the EU. There is a big wide world out there which, commercially speaking wants to flourish with free trade and we can do it together.
The latest message from Brussels is that Great Britain can no longer put her cities forward in the annual bid to become ‘City of Culture’. That smacks to me of petulant school children saying ‘you can’t play in our yard if you don’t do as we say’. Pathetic, as is the crumbling EU. Or is it a blessing in disguise as in the four years it takes to set it up it can cost taxpayers millions but the revenue while it’s staged can in no way recoup enough to break even and can take years to repay the debt.
Pauline Poole