Only the hardest hearted of people could fail to empathise with Chris Packham
I have never before felt the need to write to a newspaper. Reading Peter Rhodes’ comments on the programme ‘Asperger’s and Me’ had a profound effect on me and I find myself, weeks later, unable to forget these comments.

Mr Rhodes either did not listen properly or failed to understand what Chris Packham said. His pain at times was clear to all and only the hardest hearted of people could fail to empathise with him.
As for the comment about thousands seeing him cheerfully addressing huge audiences, of course he can do that. This is when he comes into his own, speaking profusely about things he truly knows about.
Anyone who has worked with people on the Autistic Spectrum, as I have, understand this only too well. Personal relationships are a totally different kettle of fish.
Chris Packham is indeed, a very courageous person. He did not need to put himself under scrutiny and these unkind comments fail to help all of the people who have yet to get a diagnosis, or the families of people with Asperger’s.
Open your hearts and minds, this is the way to helping people to be accepted and to improve our understanding of this condition.
Sandra Preston