Express & Star

Clarification on Brooke Robinson collection

Firstly may I thank Mr Martin Jones for his recent letters.To the best of my knowledge there was no influence from council officers or council members (elected members) on the decision to change the content of the Brooke Robinson collection. This decision was taken by its trustees as they wanted to concentrate on acquiring more items relevant to Mr Brooke Robinson himself.

The old Brook Robinson museum in the Town Hall

Also, the collection has not moved into the new archive building as the trustees have requested that the collection remains on display in a town centre location. This decision therefore had nothing to do with there being insufficient space within the archive building.

As someone who had visited the former museum which housed the Brooke Robinson collection on several occasions, I felt the building had a number of shortcomings, for example not all galleries could be accessed by the disabled lift and there was no on-site parking. Parking is a very relevant part of any modern facility and we are pleased that people can now generally park while visiting the museum.

I do however accept the contents of the new museum are an ongoing project which will no doubt improve with time.

In light of the considerable amount of investment and development in and around the town centre, I think in a few years time the decision to relocate the museum’s collections to the archive building will be regarded as a good one as it moves the museum into the heart of the visitor attraction area.

Plans for the old museum building will soon be put before the cabinet and full council, but it is envisaged that the building will be used as office accommodation and a training facility with the Brooke Robinson collection being displayed on the ground floor which will be open to the public.

I hope this goes some way towards clarifying the subject.

Cllr Ian Kettle, cabinet member for economic development and regeneration

Dudley Council