Time we all had pay rise
We are regularly told the UK has some of the best employment figures which is welcoming news. This news disguises the poor quality of many of those jobs. For thousands across The Black Country the only work available is in low pay jobs where wages need to be topped up by in work benefits, with no guaranteed income or fixed hours.
Workers not in unionised work places are especially vulnerable. The Government is failing to balance rights, good pay and productivity in our work places. Guaranteed minimum wages, employment rights, holiday pay and banning excessive working hours must be enshrined in law. These must not be 'watered down' over self employed status.
People who are ‘just about managing’ are being mistreated by a 'Government of millionaires'. We must support TUC efforts to bring a sense of purpose and fairness to working conditions and pay.
The Black Country needs a pay rise. End the pay cap now!
Cllr Doug James