Express & Star

We need another Churchill

Well, I suppose I always expected it, but now it’s official, our so called Prime Minister is continuing to meekly cave in to the totally unreasonable, and probably illegal, demands from the EU ‘negotiators’ for more and more money.


The EU’s stance of being completely inflexible, I have to say from their point of view, is working against such a weak and indecisive prime minister it is proving to be very effective indeed. We voted to leave and we knew the consequences, after all we were warned of them constantly and luridly, yet we still voted to leave.

It was our decision so why has it suddenly become all about the politicians and their hurt feelings. They should pick up their dummies, accept the democratic vote and get on with it! We should not pay one penny. This is money that we are borrowing, remember, adding to our colossal national debt which our children and grandchildren will have to pay.

What we need at this moment is someone who will implement the decision of the people unflinchingly. We really need another Churchill but there is no-one, at the moment, fit to lick the great man’s boots.

Ivor Smith
