Express & Star

Bring back the true spirit of Christmas

I tend to agree with the sentiments expressed by Tony Levy, about the spirit of Christmas and materialism (overpriced tat indeed!)

Christmas at the Cathedral.

Christmas has been a commercial opportunity for many decades, but in recent years things have become frenetic. TV ads are silly and misleading (just look at that cringeable one about the toy left behind which just manages to get thrown onto the plane). Of course, with the decline of Christianity, people have no faith. They see no sense in being 'religious' because it means nothing to them. And while it is true that the non-religious, such as myself, can live to high moral standards, many people need examples set. Seeing big business fill the gap left behind by religion is sickening and pitiful.

No amount of material things can make up for a life devoid of a spiritual aspect. The more people have, the more they want believing that inanimate objects bring happiness. This is false. No amount of mobile phones, computer games, downloads, trainers and other consumer goods can fill the space where some element of spirituality should reside.

I don't mean that people should become recluses and shun the world, although that suits some. But many people have empty lives these days. We need some element of something bigger than us. And while I have no conventional faith I do believe in a greater power.

My idea of a perfect Christmas is one full of love, peace and being with people who are of a like mind, and animals, pets who enjoy their lives without the clamour of modern life. Rather than waste time watching inane TV shows, which seldom rise above the turgid, I sit and talk to people. Or I read a good book and listen to good music.

The thought of spending time fiddling with a mobile device, or playing at killing people on a computer is disturbing. Of course, people do what they want in a free country. But it just strikes me that many follow like sheep and never get to explore alternate ideas and lifestyles.

You don't have to be a Christian to love peace, one's fellow human beings and the animal kingdom. Healthy people have a natural peace of mind and reject the incessant noise of capitalism. Remember the poor and homeless this Christmas, and all year round. Do you really need yet another mobile phone?

Mr C K Millward
