Ready to be left further behind
I was so pleased to read Robert Perry’s letter (Nov 1) explaining that he voted to stay in the EU for economic stability, international friendship and long-term preservation of peace.

I was also grateful for his reminder that a slim majority, in a 72 percent turnout, should not be mislabelled ‘the will of the people’. This is not sour grapes on my part and I am not unpatriotic or undemocratic.
As a modern languages student in the 1980s, I travelled extensively in Eastern Europe and was surprised and humbled by the warm welcome I received as a British citizen. Britain was then viewed as a leader on the world stage, as a country that had come to the aid of Europe in its time of need and I was proud to be British.
There are many thoughtful people in this country who are alarmed at what the future might bring. Like me, they worry about those in our society who are struggling.
It might surprise many people to know that there are many EU-funded projects supporting the disadvantaged in our country. EU funds also supported our own Lighthouse Cinema, the outdoor swimming pool at Highley and countless other facilities throughout the country.
It still baffles me why the ‘left-behind’ in our society have put their trust in a Conservative Government to improve their lot when history, and current policy, suggests that they will be left even further behind and even poorer when the dust finally settles after Brexit.
Debbie Balderston