EU only want our money
EU only ever wanted our money

As seen on all the television news channels recently EU representative Jean Claude Juncker's outburst that 'We Europeans have to be grateful for so many things Britain has brought to Europe during the war, before the war and after the war, but now they have to pay’, should be enough now to silence even the hardiest remainian into agreeing that it's only our money they’re after. But still we keep hearing their most common sound bite drawn from remainian's arsenal, the old chestnut of 'what happened to the 350 million to the NHS on the big red bus?’ Simple answer to this is - despite the vote to leave and sending off article 50's adios amigos notice to the EU, we are still the EU and therefore still paying.
We are still paying in around 10 billion pounds per year for our EU gym membership which is around the 192 million per week or put another way the big red bus should have said, 384 million a fortnight can go to the NHS when we finally leave the EU, but sadly until then, Jean-Claude Juncker and his motley crew of money grabbers are still taking our money.
Gordon Edward Fanthom