Express & Star

It’s time for the BBC to back off

Recent publication from the Office of National Statistics claim that approximately 1.5 per cent of Great Britain’s population are gay/homosexual.


Does this figure of such low prominence in our society justify the continuous outpourings of programmes by the BBC in promoting and extolling the gay community, complete with the LGBT brigade in tow?

Yes we know they are amongst us and are accepted in today’s society like any other segment of our communities, yet the BBC are hell bent on pushing this subject.

Personally I couldn’t care less what people do behind closed doors, but I don’t want it in my face every night, beaming into my living room, courtesy of the BBC.

And neither do I think that the vast majority of people want to experience this very small minority of people, hogging the limelight in our national soaps like ‘Corrie’, ‘Deadenders’, etc, etc.

Mr M Addison, Trysull