Green Party policy is deception

E&S, August 5, Green Party Councillor Anna Coleman states: “I strongly believe that we have an obligation to live within the limits of our natural environment.”

The Green Party website

I find this incredible since Green Party policy simply does not support this statement.

Globally we are failing to manage the essential elements for life, water, soil and air. Wild creatures and their habitats are being annihilated, plastic and toxic pollution are spreading.

Then there is climate change, and the only safe option is to accept it exists. Mars is barely habitable so we are on our own and we are stuck with it.

Nationally we do not have a housing crisis, an NHS crisis, a schools crisis, a prisons crisis and a pollution crisis. What we do have is a population crisis.

It is blatantly obvious that the force responsible for destroying the global environment is human population growth. Predictably, politicians of the main parties are in denial of science, such as the loss of sea ice, and so I turn to the Green Party.

At the core of this movement should be the ideal principle that human population, in balanced communion with other species, must be what the Earth can support and not what the human race is imposing on it.

Amazingly, nowhere in their manifesto have I been able to find any mention of the population problem.

Until this key, central issue informs their entire manifesto they are a pointless movement.

With rocketing population and complete freedom of movement, the Green Party peddle the idea that we can live in a green, sustainable ‘Garden of Eden’ for all time – it is not possible.

Green Party policy does not promote living within the limits of our natural environment it is an irresponsible, dangerous deception.

Keith Watkins, Walsall