Express & Star

May still not learned her lesson

So now we’ve just had the wonderful scenario – Jeremy Corbyn loses the election, but wins. Theresa May wins the election, but loses.

Theresa May

Jezza parades around his constituency, thumbs in the air, beaming smile, you would have thought he had just won with a thumping majority. Tessa is nowhere to be seen. What went wrong? Here are a few facts.

Jez played to the public like a ‘good-un’, with the help of the biased BBC. He made sure his election rallies were attended by hundreds of his supporters, banners waving, people cheering, while Tess had a couple of dozen of not-so-enthusiastic supporters looking like they had already lost.

The BBC played their part interviewing one-sided supporters, mainly Labour. Corbyn even went to Manchester and London after the atrocities – where was May? Also, he promised the earth to the people – free tuition fees which for the first time ever brought out the young in their droves.

Theresa May didn’t so much as shoot herself in the foot, more like in the head. Her policies, the ‘dementia tax’, winter fuel payments means-tested destroyed her manifesto.

She relied on Brexit, why oh why didn’t she do what ‘Jez’ did and give the people what they wanted to hear? She could have always reneged on her promises after she’d won – like what MPs normally do. Even after the humiliation of the election, she has still not learned her lesson.

To his credit, Jeremy Corbyn has been seen at every one of the tragedies that have happened. The next day he was seen talking to those poor people at the London fire. Where was May? Okay, yes she was seen talking to firemen and women, but what about the victims of that horrific event?

Theresa May, dig deep, start helping the real people in this country. Like me, you want Brexit. I think you have now lost the confidence of the ordinary people who backed you. I am 71 and voted Labour all of my life – for the first time ever I backed you. My God, what have I done, you betrayed me and thousands of other Labour voters who changed their vote.

One final thing – this country should be proud of our wonderful fire service, men and women going into that blazing inferno. Remember them and the doctors and nurses when they ask for a decent pay rise Theresa May.

Keith Parton, Wolverhampton