No-one believes it will be easy
Roger Watts, I agree with you that Tony Blair’s cheek is more experienced than mine, as we saw when he convinced the British people that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. But was it just cheek or was it lies?

Roger, you say that your real argument is that Jackie Lewis and all Brexiteers fail to come up with one solid reason for leaving the EU, which is not true.
Here are some of my reasons for leaving the EU:
1) Being ruled by unelected judges, when we have first class judges in this country.
2) Being able to decide where our money is better spent.
3) And not being told what we can and cannot do.
Do I need to go on?
The other 52 per cent of the population who voted democratically to leave the EU could add to my list I’m sure.
No-one believes it will be easy when we leave, anything worthwhile never is. But we are not now as you put it, the sick man of Europe any more. We are a thriving country with the sixth largest economy, where other countries want to trade with us.
We all need to believe in Britain instead of spreading doubt.
The EU does not want the UK to leave because of the vast amount of money it pays into this ‘elite club’. The other 27 countries in the EU are very unhappy and worried, especially with the open borders and terrorism.
The British people voted democratically to leave the EU so what is all the fuss about?
It is a free country where everyone can vote for who they want, nothing is stopping them.
We have a strong Prime Minister in Theresa May who believes in her country and I for one put my faith in her, like many more people do.
Jackie Lewis, Pattingham