‘Lessons must be learned’ again
Your front page story on April 6th tells us of another baby murdered by its father and once again as sure as night follows day we are told that lessons must be learned by all authorities concerned.

The police, hospital service and social services will once again find themselves under the spotlight, their every decision being examined by a "serious case review" which will, as ever, seek to pin the blame for the death on a public body in some form or other rather than on the killer.
The only lesson which needs to be learned by us all, state, population, and parent, is that the murderous father should by now be hanging from the end of a rope.
That lesson would bring virtually any would be murderer to their senses, realising that once convicted, within a short period of time they would be executed.
Those predisposed to carry out such atrocities know that the judicial system is now one without punishment and so carry out their heinous crimes with impunity, knowing that they will be cared for for the rest of their lives in relative comfort by the tax payer.
It is a situation which will ultimately bring anarchy to the country unless the government changes its policy on capital punishment, and that is, sadly, likely to remain a pipe dream.
We know therefore that we can only look forward to more of these nauseating stories and more editorial hand wringing by newspapers as impotent as the rest of us on bringing change to the parlous state of our uncaring government which would otherwise enable us to live in a little more security and comfort.
Clive Potts, Bilston