We should be applauded!
The many West Midlanders who voted to leave the EU and who read the letters column in your newspaper, myself included, must be constantly frustrated at the apparent inability of the Remoaners to accept that we are not all brain-dead morons with only a couple of brain cells between us. The latest is a letter from Peter Simpson who asserts that the Referendum was more or less decided by a slogan on the side of a Big Red Bus. What rubbish this is. We brave Brexiteers are to be applauded, not derided, because we had the common sense to see right through the threats and lies dished out by Cameron, Osborne, Carney and, most disgracefully, Obama, under their Project Fear, and to carefully weigh all the issues before making our decision.

Mr Simpson then goes on to extol the wonderful subsidies that we receive from the EU. Excuse me, but where do you think that the money comes from to pay for those subsidies?. As the UK is a net contributor to the EU coffers, we are in effect getting our own money back. Would it not be much more efficient, beneficial and effective for our OWN Government to pay those subsidies direct to the farmers etc without being subject to the whims of the middle men of the EU bureaucracy?. Of course it would. Once we have left the EU we will be able to decide for ourselves what we want to subsidise and also at what levels those subsidies will be paid, instead of having to obey the instructions of our European masters as to what we can and cannot do.
On one thing we do agree, however, and that is that the EU will not make things easy for the UK in the forthcoming negotiations. The onus will be on our negotiators to take a firm stance and not to buckle under pressure from the other side. If a fair agreement cannot be reached, then it is better to walk away altogether rather than suffer the terms of something that will be bad for Britain.
On another point, it is good to see that a trade delegation has gone to India to sell financial services to that country, as reported by B Lawley. In the current situation all sectors of British business should be doing the same in order to encourage trading links after we have left the EU and the financial sector is to be applauded for taking the lead
M B Willis ACIB, Wolverhampton.