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Enoch Powell: More than 14,000 people have their say over proposed blue plaque

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Enoch Powell

More than two-thirds of 14,000 voters in an Express & Star poll have said Enoch Powell should be recognised with a blue plaque in Wolverhampton.

Seventy per cent of respondents have said there should be a plaque in memory of Powell, with 30 per cent saying the former Wolverhampton South West MP should not be honoured.

The city’s Civic and Historical Society has announced it will consider proposals for a plaque for Powell, who served as a Conservative MP in Wolverhampton for 24 years.

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His ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech in 1968 saw him rise to notoriety.

Express & Star columnist Nigel Hastilow has supported calls for the plaque, praising the ex-city MP's lengthy parliamentary career and hailing him as 'one of the towering figures of the 20th century'.

In an opinion piece, he wrote: "As a parliamentarian, there were few to match him and he was not prepared to bend with the wind which is why he became the first Conservative politician to oppose Britain’s entry into the Common Market.

"He warned Britain was in danger of becoming ‘one province in a new European superstate under institutions which know nothing of the political rights and liberties that we have so long taken for granted’.

"Enoch Powell fought to maintain our freedoms and became one of the towering figures of the 20th century. Would anyone seriously deny such a significant politician a little blue plaque marking his links to Wolverhampton?

"If Karl Marx can have one, Enoch Powell certainly deserves the same treatment."

However, Wolverhampton’s three current MPs – Emma Reynolds, Pat McFadden and Eleanor Smith – have all voiced their opposition to plans for a blue plaque for Powell.

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Ms Reynolds said installing a plaque would send out the wrong message about a city which has changed massively since Powell's 1968 speech.

The Wolverhampton North East MP said: “I feel very strongly that there should not be a blue plaque for Enoch Powell in Wolverhampton.

"His ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech in 1968 sought to sow division but thankfully all of his predictions have been proved wrong.

“Today Wolverhampton is a friendly, welcoming and inclusive city.

"Huge progress has been made to improve relations between different communities. A blue plaque would send out all the wrong messages about Wolverhampton.”

But some Express & Star readers have criticised the city's current MPs, with Ya Ya Wolf saying: “It does not matter one iota what these three say, Enoch was the greatest politician this city ever had – he deserves recognition.”

Another user, Albrighton Dek, added: “Enoch Powell was a controversial politician, who divided opinion at the time.

“The plaque if erected, would not be as one MP is quoted as saying ‘a celebration of the man’ – it’s simply stating a fact that he lived here.”

Boing Go Baggies said: "Why not? The man dared to say things others would not – he led from the front with his heart on his chest.

"Yes he said things that were close to the mark but wouldn't it be nice to have a few politicians who did that today rather than them worrying what the PC brigade will say and it costing them their job."

The possibility of a plaque for Powell was first discussed in an Express & Star debate marking 50 years since the divisive Rivers of Blood speech.

Following the debate, the Civic and Historical Society confirmed they had received an application for a blue plaque.

This will be formally discussed by the society’s panel once the unnamed applicant has raised the £1,000 necessary to fund its creation.

Blue plaques secretary Barry Hodgson said: “It is perfectly feasible that we will see a blue plaque for Enoch Powell at some time in the future.

“My own view is that the plaques should reflect our history, warts and all.”