Peter Rhodes on loincloths, woolly mammoths and why Americans regard Russia as a friend
Astonishingly, a new poll suggests that more than a third of Americans view Russia as a friendly nation and 50 per cent would accept a ceasefire, even if it meant Russia keeping the land it has conquered.

Why the friendly feelings towards Putin's land? Probably because on many major issues, middle America and middle Russia share some core values: patriotism, church, family life, discipline, strong borders, anti-wokery and commanding the respect of other nations. Scratch the surface and the average American working man, Joe Sixpack from Chicago, has much in common with Jo Ivanov from Moscow. Just to complicate things further, more than three million people living in the melting pot of the United States are actually Russian.
Incidentally, if Trump and his crew were so offended at the sight of President Zelensky in a T-shirt, how would they have coped with a visit by that great statesman and campaigner, Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) who, even in London, wore his traditional dhoti loincloth, and not much else? Look away, First Lady!