Express & Star

Peter Rhodes on pints, half-pints and potty mouths Down Under

Academics in Cambridge claim that if pubs abandoned classic Imperial pint glasses for smaller measures, it might improve the nation's health. This has generated a debate between supporters of the pint and health-focused tipplers.


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The row goes to the heart of Britain's ancient Right-Left divide, with the health lobby denouncing boozers as Neanderthals and the pint-supporters dismissing the smaller-glass lobby as wimps.

In Australia the so-called schooner, a measure somewhere between the pint and half-pint, is popular. And the Ozzies know their beer, as anyone following Colin from Accounts (BBC2) can testify.

Judging by this riotous drama, Oz is a land of unrestrained cussing where the F-word and C-word are thrown around with abandon at friends and enemies alike. You may think this flood of filth is exaggerated but I've seen it in real life.

Colin from Accounts (BBC) – endless cussing