Express & Star

Peter Rhodes on drugs, shoplifting and what do we mean by “once in a generation”?

Couriers caught trying to smuggle suitcases full of cannabis through British airports are allegedly being “duped” by traffickers into thinking that “soft” English courts will let them off with a fine. Oh, really?

England – soft on dope?

So we are expected to believe that these carriers are smart enough to apply for a passport but too dim to spend five minutes on Google searching “UK cannabis penalties”? Who's trying to dupe whom?

Keir Starmer says a new agreement with Germany is a “once in a generation chance to deliver for working people in Britain and in Germany.” The lesson of history is that “once in a generation” promises tend to be short-lived. The ink was barely dry on the Scottish independence referendum and the Brexit charter before the bad losers started agitating. Don't be surprised if this German agreement takes a sterner, pro-Brussels turn not in a generation but in a few weeks. It could all be over by Christmas.

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