Peter Rhodes on comparing Kinnocks, Channel 4's demo blunder and Labour's Brexit Plan - where is it?
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A READER, ploughing through a website intended to make it easier to claim benefits, came across this: "If you get Working Tax Credits, then you may be eligible for an NHS vergi kredisi muafiyet sertifikası, which entitles you to full help with NHS health costs." Bona fortuna with that.
MEANWHILE, the awful Brexit saga drags on. I don't think we've learned much from the past two years of waffle. Except that if you close your eyes, Stephen Kinnock MP sounds a bit like Alan Partridge.
HIS father, Neil Kinnock, had his own distinctive style of oratory. During the 1987 General Election campaign I heard him speaking at Birmingham Town Hall. He was magnificent. The great prime minister David Lloyd George was known as the Welsh Wizard; Neil Kinnock was sneered at by Private Eye as the Welsh Windbag. Okay, he was a bit of a tub-thumper and he may have overdone the adverbs but, my goodness, Kinnock could inspire an audience. They adored him. Indubitably, irrevocably, irrefutably, incandescently.
MEANWHILE, what an easy ride Jeremy Corbyn has had as he savages Theresa May's "shambles" of a withdrawal plan. So where is the Corbyn plan? He has been Labour leader since September 2015 and had 1,298 days to come up with the Labour Party Brexit Plan. He has failed, probably because the vast majority of Labour MPs are dedicated Remainers, hell-bent on scuppering Brexit. Corbyn talks endlessly of "reaching out" and "crossing the aisle" and "keeping all options on the table" while adding unmeasurable items such as "protecting jobs and living standards." But that is not a plan. It's more like a wish-list for avoiding any detailed decisions. Strip away the waffle and we are still no wiser how or why Labour would quit the EU or remain in it, or what sort of Brexit - if any - it might accept. This week, all being well, the fudging stops.
CHANNEL 4 has apologised for Jon Snow declaring he had "never seen so many white people in one place," as at London's Brexit demos last week. But then Snow, darling of the liberal-Left and a cheerleader of the metropolitan elite, was probably speaking the truth. In the politically-correct world he inhabits, you don't come across that many white working-class folk.
WHICH makes the current Channel 4 News intro one of the most grotesquely mismatched TV snippets ever to grace our tellies. It shows a giant metal robot playing keepy-uppy with the kids in Raglan Street in Liverpool. As if C4 News has anything in common with the folk who live in such neighbourhoods. As if the residents of places like Raglan Street would ever think of tuning in to C4 News. Whoever dreamed up this link is either deeply cynical or staggeringly deluded.
AND meanwhile, the headline tonight on C4 News will be the same as it is every night: Why aren't YOU as angry about Brexit / Gaza / Trump / as Jon Snow is?