Star comment: Harry and Meghan selling their stories and their souls
As Britain hunkers down in freezing temperatures, with many unable to afford to stay warm, Harry and Meghan are releasing their version of events.

They are doing so from a position of extreme wealth and privilege - namely, from the warmth and luxury of their Hollywood mansion.
There is no doubt the couple have much to be unhappy about. Harry’s mother was taken from him abruptly and in tragic circumstances. He has had to grow up in the glare of a press that he blames for her death. There are concerns about the undertones of racism, unconscious or otherwise, that they experienced when their relationship became public.
But there will be limited sympathy from the British public. These are entitled people, rich beyond the wildest dreams of a micro percentage, and pocketing £100 million from Netflix.
For all their faults, the Royal Family had welcomed them in. Harry and William were close. The break-up of that relationship is tragic and it is sad to find Harry bitter about the past. He will find it harder to mend bridges the more his misery fest continues.
There is a lack of self awareness about their whole exercise. Harry’s gripes, while genuine, come from a position of incredible wealth and comfort and appear to lack grace.
He is speaking to a British public who have very real worries - keeping their job, staying warm, paying their bills, staying healthy. That is why most British people will view their Netflix ‘drama’ with a shrug of the shoulders.
Poor them? ‘Poor’ is not being able to pay the bills. They cannot complain about intrusion when they are selling their stories and their souls to the highest bidder.
TSB deserves credit for showing initiative by supporting victims of domestic violence.
A new scheme is being trialled in the West Midlands in which victims of domestic violence will be able to get support payments of £50 to £500, depending on their need, paid into a TSB bank account. Only the claimant will be able to access the funds.
Recent figures show cases of domestic violence are on the up in our region.
By its nature, it is a crime mostly behind closed doors. It is also important to note that it occurs irrespective of gender, religion or social standing.
The more support that victims can access, the better. More needs to be done to encourage victims to come forward, with the reassurance that they will receive the help and protection they need.
Domestic abuse is a vicious and unhealthy crime. It has harmful, long-term effects and must be stamped out.