Star comment: Hope for progress in battle to tackle Alzheimer’s
The battle to help those with Alzheimer’s is a long and arduous one. Those whose lives are affected know only too well how debilitating and emotionally draining it can be.

There are no easy answers and no permanent solutions. It is a tough road in which considerable hardship becomes the norm.
Victims suffer a slow degradation of critical faculties while carers watch as the one they love slowly slips away.
The outlook is not entirely bleak, however, and progress is being made as scientists search for a cure. Bit by bit, we are starting to understand more about the condition.
Today’s breakthrough is another step on that journey. New evidence in a landmark study may well have a positive outcome as cures become increasingly possible.
The condition affects millions both directly and indirectly. It can ruin the lives of those who suffer and dominate those who are left to care and who often find themselves in a lonely and isolated place. It is essential that momentum is maintained in the research but also that support is there for sufferers and carers.
Alzheimer’s is part of the bigger picture as society finds better ways to care for those who require support. The costs are high and yet we must not abandon people in their time of need.
We have world-leading scientists and are at the forefront of global efforts to find answers. As we saw in finding a vaccine for Covid, we have remarkable expertise that is being put to good use.
We can be proud of the work that has taken place and we can hope that further progress is made, with the political will in place to effect positive change for victims and carers.
Live in the Black Country and chances are you will have experienced anti-social behaviour.
From late-night parties to drug taking in the streets and late-night racing of cars, it seems some people feel it is perfectly acceptable to live their lives at the expense of others.
The vast majority of people who live in this great region are thoughtful of others. The pandemic was just another example of community pulling together in difficult times.
The problem is that the tiny minority who cause problems cause an almighty amount of disruption. The actions of a few can ruin the lives of many.
West Midlands Police has many issues to deal with. We can all have some sympathy with the pressures officers are under.
But this is hardly a victimless crime. Anti-social behaviour causes great misery and must be given greater priority.