Express & Star comment: We are not through the pandemic yet
Health experts are understandably concerned about the fact that in some areas Covid cases are once again on the rise.

Infection rates have started to increase in 40 areas of the country, including five in the West Midlands.
And even in areas where cases are falling, the rate of decrease has started to slow over the past week.
At this point in time, it is not possible to say precisely why this is happening after several weeks of successive declines in infection rates.
It is likely that the reopening of schools will have had some impact on the figures.
It stands to reason that anything which involves an increase in social interaction will see more cases of the virus, particularly as school children and staff are now regularly tested as part of their return.
Of greater concern is the fact that more and more people appear to be less rigorous when it comes to their application of the rules.
It has been noticeable in recent weeks that the roads are busier and there are more people around in our parks and on the streets.
In many ways this is entirely understandable.
People have had enough of restrictions, and with the weather improving and the country set to move towards the next stage of the roadmap back to freedom, there is a desperation to cast aside the shackles of the past few months.
However, it would be premature to think we have now got through all that the pandemic has to throw at us.
New strains are emerging that are more transmissible than previous ones, while on the continent new lockdowns are being enforced following a surge in case rates.
And although the vaccination programme has been a major success, half the country is yet to have their first dose of the jab.
There is no need to panic, and providing we stick to the rules it is entirely possible that the tide will turn once again.
One thing we can say for certain is that anyone who believes we have already got through the pandemic is sorely mistaken.