Express & Star comment: Being guided by the science
Today science and the views of scientists are more in the public eye than they have been in living memory, even down to them giving regular live briefings on television which impact on the lives of us all.

We are, to use that now cliched phrase, being guided by the science.
Behind those who have become familiar faces on our television screens is an army of scientists who have been toiling away tirelessly to save the world from the awful pandemic which has swept the globe and caused so many lost lives, together with devastating economic damage.
There has been a lot of talk about politicians making good and bad decisions during the pandemic, but we can celebrate the one aspect of the crisis which has been a huge success, and that is the science.
The speed with which scientists were able to develop a vaccine was little short of remarkable and we owe them a great debt. Over the coming weeks and months we shall see the fruits of their skills and their labours at last being reflected in the statistics and taking us closer to a return to the world which we used to know before Covid-19 changed everything.
Over 100,000 fatalities and climbing is not something to be proud about, but Britain has a much better story to tell on the vaccines front where thanks to the expertise here it has been one of the world leaders in the development and rollout.
And while Boris Johnson has come in for a barrage of criticism for his handling of the pandemic, his Government got its act together on vaccines, investing early, making critical early decisions, and working hand in hand with the pharmaceutical companies.
The scientists have come up trumps but the game is still in play as they continue to seek answers to new questions as the virus mutates, to pull the world to a better place.
For their work to pay off requires ordinary people to accept and embrace the gift that they have striven to give them.
We now need people to put aside any concerns they have and get the jab so the country can begin the process of recovering from this truly devastating virus.