Andy Richardson: Frosty atmosphere in Brussels while talks over 'oven ready' deal continue
It was always going to be a difficult dinner date.

From the moment BoZo told MPs no Prime Minister could accept the very deal that he’d sold to the country as being oven-ready, his fish supper with Ursula was only going to end in tiers. Boris – they do watch British TV in Europe, fella.
No surprises, therefore, that Boris’s oven ready deal has turned out to be as reliable as the slogans painted on the side of his bus. After dining on scallops, the subject of skirmishes between French and English fishermen as recently as 2018, it was clear the talks were not turbot-charged, despite the main course.
And Boris and Ursula moved onto pudding, the pavlova resembled the Eton Mess that Boris has led Britain into. Frosty the snowman might be a favourite song for the festive season; it also described the atmosphere in Brussels.
If the talks stall on Sunday, the UK will be outside the superpower market that is Europe, paying extra for brie and being unable to sell the continent our lamb, beef and, of course, fish, unless we pay a double-digit tariff.
The automotive industry looks destined to hit the skids, although no doubt Liz Truss will sign identical deals to those we already have with far-flung nations with whom we do little trade.
Crocodile tears
Brexit is coming to nought. While the masses who voted for Brexit will become worse off, a small number at the top will benefit.
As the players go through the motions in coming days, it’s worth editing the highlights reel.
Michael Howard threatened war with Spain, Boris made good on his promise to, erm, not help business (though he used different words), and the Tories, Labour, Lib Dems and UKIP can all claim credit for their part in what is turning into a mess.
Still, as we recover from Matt Hancock’s crocodile tears over the Covid vaccine, it’s worth remembering where that came from.
Hancock’s dry eye was prompted by a German-developed vaccine that we bought; just like a VW, Audi or BMW car.
Still as Government mismanagement dazzles, we have the good news of October’s economic report. Growth stalled. Again.
The economy is eight per cent smaller than at the start of the year – and Brexit is forecast to provide a worse economic hit than Covid.