Andy Richardson: That oven-ready deal? Seen it anywhere?
The deal is already done. We just pop it in the oven and press ping. That’s it. Sorted. Boris told us, so it must be true.

Back in 2017, he said there was no plan for no deal because we were going to get a great deal. Anyone seen it, before we all turn into pumpkins?
And as those helpful economists told us that a no deal would wreak worse havoc than Covid – which, lest we forget, has put hundreds of thousands out of work and caused the worst financial hit in 300 years – we wouldn’t be stupid enough not to fix things.
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BoZo wasn’t the only one who told us how easy Brexit would be. David Davis said he was confident that using the most up-to-date technology we’d get a non-visible operational border between Northern Ireland and Ireland. Great. That’s the Good Friday Agreement protected and President Biden on side. Phew. Dread to think what would happen if we messed up.
Michael Gove told us the day after we voted to leave, we’d hold all the cards so we could choose the path we wanted. And Gove always gets it right, except when he’s betraying his best mate for the leadership election.
John Redwood said getting out of the EU would be quick and easy because we held all the cards.
All that foreign travel will be easy, too. Remember, BoZo told us that British people will still be able to go and work in the EU; to live; to travel; to study; to buy homes and to settle down. Good job he delivered on that.
Then there was Peter Bone who said hauliers ought to be well prepared by now – though, of course, they can’t be because we’ve no idea what’s going to happen in less than four weeks. Yes, that’s right. FOUR WEEKS.
Still, Rees-Mogg, BoZo, Gove and Co have a present for us this Christmas. While Rome burns they’ve got an unwanted stash of unicorn vouchers, no expiry date, as well as £350 million a week for the NHS. Sorted.
Nigel Farage didn’t win an election to Parliament, though he tried for seven years. He is, however, the one who’s laughing now. The man who couldn’t get elected has set the agenda.
So welcome to Brexit. Both the UK and EU representatives have just a few days to make it a success. We are told the chances are they will strike a deal at the 11th hour. The fear is it becomes car crash that’s been five years in the making. It is the responsibility of those talking today to ensure that crash is avoided. The prospects of business and ordinary folk rely on it.