Andy Richardson: 'Boris is doing his best to turn Downing Street into an episode of Eastenders'
Aah. The sweet smell of democracy.

The world has much to thank the West for. While rogue nations break international laws and while rogue leaders cling to power and ignore the results of free and fair elections, at least we in the West… oh, hang on.
While dodgy despots line the pockets of their cronies and place unelected and unaccountable chums in positions of power and influence, at least we in the West… oh, let’s scrap that.
Boris is doing his best to turn Downing Street into an episode of Eastenders. His fiancée led a revolt against the proposed appointment of a new chief of staff, who subsequently decided to quit. Meanwhile, Jennifer Acuri has dished more dirt after his Biden/Trump/whoever tweet welcoming the new USA President. Soon, he’ll be joining Alfie Moon on I’m A Celebrity in a Welsh castle.
Still, it’s nice to know that the unelected Dom Cummings is unhappy that the unelected Carrie Symonds is unhappy about which unelected individual will be in Downing Street determining how the UK is run.
On the subject of the former President, Tango Trump, he has accused the other side of that which he himself is guilty of. There’s an easy way to get him out, however. Just cut off the water supply, cut off the internet and stop burger restaurants from delivering to the White House; that should sort his attempted coup.
Mr Tango is upset that he lost and has been dispatching lawyers to courts to lose on his behalf. On Pennsylvania, a judge asked a Republican lawyer whether he was alleging fraud. His answer was simple: ‘no’.
So when the lawyers representing the cheat at the top accept there’s been no fraud, you have to ask what on earth are they playing at?
Back in Blighty, the middle classes must be relieved that the Government is on their side. Having propelled BoJo to power, they’ll be thrilled to know about the Treasury’s £14 billion tax raid on their investments.
The working class has already suffered, though Marcus Rashford’s 2-0 win over Boris has helped some of those most in need. Now it’s the turn of the middle classes to be squeezed while the super-rich continue to get richer.
At a time when we’ve reached the tragic milestone of 50,000 Covid-19 deaths, it’s good to know those in Number 10 aren’t behaving like kids in a playground and are putting the national interest first.