Express & Star comment: Politics mean nothing for the kids going to bed hungry
Let’s forget about politics. Because politics don’t matter if you’re a 12-year-old child who hasn’t eaten for two days.

And politics don’t matter if you’re a parent who can’t afford to buy food because that would mean defaulting on the rent and being made homeless. What matters is that children aren’t made the victim of an argument between right and left, between the haves and the have-nots, between Keynesians and Monetarists. Both sides have legitimate points to make. But the nation’s ongoing culture war doesn’t make a scrap of difference when there’s no food on the table.
The upswell in public support for the anti-hunger campaigner Marcus Rashford illustrates that the nation is, in fact, far less divided than many would have us believe.
People from all sides of the spectrum want children to avoid hunger. It really is that simple.
The fact that so many people have come out in support of Rashford’s campaign illustrates another important fact: people are basically good, most of the time. We are a one-nation Britain, a country united on basic principles, if not on a number of challenging issues. Politicians from all sides of the divide have sufficient resources at their disposal to fix this and fix it now. Arguments are for the birds.
The hospitality sector has been one of the hardest hit since the pandemic began. Yet chefs and restaurants that have no money are putting logistics in place to make sure kids are fed this half-term.
Rashford has inspired a grass roots campaign where people from all sides of the divide are trying to do the right thing.
The name-calling , the intemperate language, the casting of blame and the disgraceful threats to MPs do no credit at all to those involved.
Those who opt for positive action are the ones who deserve credit. This is a time to get things done and to step up to the plate.
As for Rashford, he’s been exemplary. He’s ignored the political noise and focused on feeding kids, the reason so many support him. Actions speak louder than words, after all.