Express & Star comment: We must help our charities in their time of need
So many good things in this nation are as a result of voluntary effort, goodwill, and the invaluable work of charities.

What they do is such a part of the fabric of our society that it would be easy to take them for granted. But they do depend on people being willing to give them their support and their money and currently there are obstacles to that happening for reasons we all know.
Fundraising efforts by volunteers towards the good causes have been severely curtailed because, depending on the activity, it is simply not possible to hold them. Charity shops have in some cases closed, which obviously cuts out a source of income every time that happens.
And ordinary people are facing tough times, many being thrown out of work and others seeing their finances put under strain. For those counting the pennies, giving to charity is a noble act of selflessness and recognition that hard though things are, there are always others who are worse off.
You can hear many examples of charities which are up against it through no fault of their own. They do work which is much appreciated and worthy of support, but it is the plight of those providing services locally which will resonate most strongly across our region.
Compton Care, which provides round-the-clock care for people with serious and terminal illnesses, covering parts of Shropshire as well as Wolverhampton and South Staffordshire, has reported taking a major hit, with income 32 per cent lower than expectations as a result of the pandemic.
Disruption caused by the pandemic had resulted in its fundraising efforts being slashed. It needs to raise about £10 million a year to fund its normal activities, but has been left with a £2.4 million financial hole. Now it is launching a new fundraising drive.
Time and time again, the goodwill and generosity of ordinary people has proven extraordinary. It is thanks to those qualities that many charitable concerns, including hospices and the Midlands air ambulance, were set up in the first place.
They are there to help us in our hour of need. But now the boot is on the other foot. It is their hour of need.
Give what you can. Do what you can.