Express & Star

Express & Star comment: Authorities have risen to the test

The coronavirus crisis has tested the mettle of our local authorities like never before.

Coronavirus testiung

And the good news is that the vast majority of them appear to have risen to the task.

A few months ago no one could have accurately predicted the widespread impact of the virus on all areas of our society.

In these extraordinary times council are faced with major challenges on several fronts.

Resources need to be quickly directed to the most needy.

Thousands of staff have stepped into a new world of work away from council buildings, with some taking on new roles at a moment's notice.

In some cases, major developments and plans have been put on hold, and crucial decisions involving funding and the allocation of resources are now being made remotely.

For our council leaders, every day brings with it a fresh challenge and another barrier to overcome.

Without doubt, Covid-19 has hit the vulnerable people in our communities the hardest, and it is understandable that this is where our local authorities have focused their attentions.

And across the Black Country and Staffordshire some fantastic work has been taking place.

Food parcel deliveries have been run from newly launched food hubs, while many councils have joined forces with residents to raise funds for the most needy.

It has not all been plain sailing, and as was to be expected, there have been issues, with some councils struggling to pay out vital grants to local businesses in a timely fashion.

But for the most part, the response of our local authorities has been excellent.

They have put political differences to one side and worked together for the greater good.

This is the type of attitude that we will need to see more of as the weeks and months go by, particularly as thoughts turn to our region reopening for business.

Dudley Council leader Patrick Harley probably sums up the fighting spirit best when he says: "When you have your backs to the wall, that's when you need to dig deep."

We can all feel confident that our councils will continue to rise to this unique set of challenges.