Express & Star

Express & Star comment: Education must help all reach full potential

Equality of the sexes?


Not when it comes to education. In this field the boys are, so to speak, demonstrably less equal than girls.

The evidence comes in hard, cold, facts. For the last 30 years, Engish schoolgirls have outperformed boys.

You can break down the proof further. Girls are now significantly more likely to pass English and maths GCSE than boys.

And if you extrapolate that into life chances and opportunities, we can say that girls are leaving school and moving into the world of work or higher education with that wider range of choices which comes with having the better set of qualifications.

Nobody is calling for positive discrimination in favour of boys, so they just have to make the best of things.

This educational chasm applies not solely in the realms of gender, but also in the realms of household income.

Data from the Department for Education shows that poorer pupils are falling further behind their better-off classmates in GCSE achievement.

Why boys are falling behind girls so consistently in levels of attainment is baffling the experts, but there is plenty of scope for homespun theories.

The least charitable conclusion would be to assume that boys are inherently less clever than girls, but intuitively many people will feel that the underlying reasons for the discrepancy are not a matter of intelligence, but of application.

Adolescence is a tough time for both sexes, but it is at least arguable that teenage boys face a particularly strong set of factors which will distract them from school work, including peer pressure in which to be perceived as a “swot” is decidedly uncool, while young girls mature more quickly, both in outlook and otherwise.

Or is that a sexist notion?

As to why poorer pupils are falling behind, it would surely help them catch up if they have champions, both in school and at home, to make sure they have access to the educational path which is best able to release their potential and let them bloom.

Well done to education’s high fliers, but evidently we need to do more to give the others wings.