Express & Star comment: Just do what is best for the public
It is sad to see the proposed merger of the roles of West Midlands mayor and police and crime commissioner become a political football.

The plans, which were put forward as part of the Government’s devolution deal, would see the mayor, currently Tory Andy Street, take over the PCC role from next year.
Labour PCC Mr Jamieson is dead against the move, questioning whether the mayor’s office would have the time and expertise to oversee a police force already struggling to cope with demand.
Mr Street is for it, claiming merging the two roles will save cash and reduce bureaucracy.
What should have been a simple process allowing the public to air their views now appears to be in turmoil, with Mr Street facing allegations of interference in the consultation process.
Our politicians should remember this: While their ‘red vs blue’ battle plays out, crime rates are through the roof and police resources are running on empty.
Here’s an idea. How about doing what is best for the public?