Express & Star comment: Wolverhampton college's move will be great for the city centre
There is no doubt that the City of Wolverhampton College has undergone some major changes in recent years.

It was not that long ago that the college was mired in the doldrums, after a shocking Ofsted report revealed a series of failings.
That has all been consigned to the history books, and the college is now a place that the city can be proud of.
Success rates are up, and in terms of employer links, the college is one of the very best in the country.
However, one thing that is undoubtedly holding the college back is the location of its main campus in Paget Road.
The site has not been fit for purpose for years, and despite numerous efforts to find a new location, bosses have had to make do with what they have.
Now finally, plans are in place for the college to move into the city centre.
Under the guidance of new boss Mal Cowgill, it will take in the buildings around its existing Metro One campus beside the St George’s Metro stop.
The move will also utilise the former Faces nightclub building, which has been empty since it was bought by the council following its closure in 2016.
The significance of this move should not be underestimated.
On one hand, it will allow the college to take in more students and offer a better standard of facilities.
But just as important is the boost its new central location will bring to the city as a whole.
Bringing hundreds of people into the city centre will provide a fillip for shops, pubs, cafes and restaurants.
With a number of developments in the city either ongoing or in the pipeline, the college's move could not have come at a better time.
As for the Paget Road site, there has been plenty of interest from developers in the past, and hopefully it won't be too long before this interest turns into something concrete.
New homes would certainly be welcome in what is one of the city's most populated areas.
The turnaround in fortunes at the City of Wolverhampton College has been something we should all be proud of.
A successful move to the city centre will be great for Wolverhampton.