Express & Star comment: Criminal justice system is another Theresa May failure
It would be nice for a week to pass by without being presented with yet more examples of the failings of our criminal justice system.

But sadly in the current climate, such a prospect is fanciful to say the least.
Almost on a daily basis we see insufficient sentences handed down by the courts, while every time a new set of statistics is released the conclusion is that crime is on the rise.
Indeed, it is becoming increasingly difficult to see how the upward trajectory of the crime figures in this country will ever be stopped, particularly when you consider the scandalous lack of energy put into the issue by Theresa May's flagging Tory administration.
Readers of the Express & Star will no longer be surprised to see that crime has gone up by nearly 14 per cent in Wolverhampton over the last 12 months.
It comes to something when senior figures express relief that the rise is not bigger.
Meanwhile in our prisons it is all fun and games as usual.
Videos shot in jails across the region show inmates dancing to loud music in their cells and relaxing on the gantry, all shot of course, on mobile phones that have been illegally smuggled in behind bars.
The amount of contraband in our prisons has become almost laughable.
Those in charge should hang their heads in shame at this complete and utter mess.
Last week, Prisons Minister Rory Stewart announced he would resign if conditions in Britain's jails had not improved in the next year.
Mr Stewart, who has been in post since the start of this year, will be unlikely to get that long to sort things out.
The public's patience is wearing thin.
It is a very simple and reasonable request that drugs and other illicit materials be eradicated from the wings of our jails.
The amount of violence behind bars is a national disgrace.
As ever, the buck stops with Mrs May.
The way things are going, her legacy is highly likely to include the words 'made a mess of Brexit'.
But it will also feature an equally damning indictment: Failed on crime and justice.