Express & Star comment: Responsibility needed over horse ownership
If ever there was a picture to illustrate the need for responsible horse ownership, it would be the one run this week of the horse left bleeding in the road.

The horse was left abandoned lying on the road after bolting and hitting a car.
And the incident just happens to occur in the same week Wolverhampton council revealed it was to bring in a bailiff firm to tackle illegal horse grazing on council land.
For too long horse owners have got away with leaving their animals tied up on parks and fields, putting the horse in danger and damaging the land at the same time.
Now the council, following in the footsteps of both Dudley and Sandwell councils, at last has the power to take action; remove the horses and charge ransom to the owners.
Hopefully it will act as a deterrent to those irresponsible horse owners who for too long have laughed at the law with their actions.
It’s about time.