Express & Star

Express & Star comment: Public will never trust politicians again if Brexit isn't delivered

Despite what many people may think of Jeremy Corbyn's politics, for many years he has widely been considered a man of principle.

Jeremy Corbyn

So for him to now attempt to portray himself as a pro-European simply defies belief.

After all, this is the man who has spent his lengthy political career criticising the EU for being an anti-democratic, capitalist cabal.

But not only is he turning against his own Socialist principles, he is betraying the 52 per cent of people – many of them Labour supporters – who voted to leave the EU.

What is it about the politicians from all parties who think they know better than a democratic decision given in the biggest plebiscite in the history of this country?

Nobody can say that the arguments were not fully debated in the run up to the referendum.

The rewriting of history that has gone on since would shame those responsible for the news agenda in Communist China and Soviet Russia.

Thwart the will of the people

David Cameron assured us that this would be a once in a lifetime decision.

Now our politicians are attempting to thwart the will of the people.

Naturally, they are denying this in public, but it is clear what is really going on.

There is a great danger that if this blatant attempt to derail Brexit – which is also being pushed by the civil service and the broadcast media – succeeds, there will be civil unrest on a scale this country has not seen for 350 years.

Worse still, the unwritten bond of trust between the people and the machinery of government will have been irreparably damaged.

This country will become little more than a banana republic, controlled ostensibly by those in positions of power, while the views of ordinary voters will be cast aside and ignored.

There is no hard or soft Brexit, only Brexit.

For once, Theresa May must stand up and be counted. She must use the weight of the Brexit vote as her democratic shield.

In many ways, while leaving the EU signals a major turning point in our history, there is an even bigger issue at stake.

If those tasked with delivering Brexit fail, then it is unlikely that the public will ever trust politicians again.