Express & Star

Express & Star comment: Contempt for EU vote not needed

Of late, it appears we are being subjected to an extraordinary amount of drivel from people who simply refuse to accept the result of the EU referendum.

Last updated
Peter Mandelson

If it is not the Lib Dems exploring every possible avenue in a bid to block Brexit, it is the selfish and unwelcome interventions from the likes of shamed has-beens' Tony Blair and Peter Mandelson.

Then there is the constant 'despite Brexit' diet we are being forcefed by the BBC and some sections of the national press.

While all of this is quite staggering in its own right, the comments from veteran Europhile MP Barry Sheerman really have scraped the bottom of the barrel.

Labour veteran Mr Sheerman insists that the more intelligent people in this country voted to stay in the EU, making his feelings towards the 17.4 million people who voted for Brexit perfectly clear.

Not only is this misguided and foolish MP guilty of an incredible level of snobbery, he has also shown that he is completely disconnected from millions of voters, including plenty of those from his own party.

The measure of this man can be seen by his clumsy attempt to belittle the University of Wolverhampton, an educational institution that produces world renowned research in a number of different academic fields.

People had their own reasons for how they voted in the EU referendum.

Their level of educational achievement should be considered irrelevant to the actual outcome.

Yet Mr Sheerman has only opined the privately held views of many resentful Remainers who are unwilling to accept the result of a democratic vote.

The message is clear: Anyone who voted to leave the EU did not understand what they were voting for.

Those who hold this outrageous and wholly inaccurate view deserve nothing but contempt.

There were lies and half-truths told by both sides during the referendum campaign.

Let us not forget George Osborne's ludicrous claim that the country would be plunged into recession within days of a vote to leave the EU.

Sixteen months down the line, the British public are sick and tired of being told that they made a mistake by voting for Brexit.

Mr Sheerman would be best advised to engage his brain before his next intervention on the issue.