Wolves Foundation encourages people to get active – and have fun!
Wolves Foundation members are aiming to encourage more adults with disabilities to enjoy physical activity as part of their Active Through Football project, which continues to go from strength to strength.

Active Through Football is a Sport England project funded by the Football Foundation which Wolves Foundation are delivering to increase more football-based activities across targeted communities.
Now a new Adult Disability Hub has been launched with a weekly hour-long session at the Foundation’s Aldersley Arena, a fun and informal way for people to become more active via football-based activity.
“Active Through Football is very much a step-by-step programme which has been developing over recent months and we are adding in further strands where we can identify there is a need,” says the Foundation’s Active Through Football project officer Liam Turner.
“We receive regular enquiries from people who are keen to take part in pan disability football and are delighted that we now have a session which we can encourage them to attend.
“In keeping with the overall aims of Active Through Football, it is all about getting people active through playing football but doing so in an environment which is suitable to them and which they can enjoy and feel comfortable in.
“We are aiming to cover gaps in different areas of the community or gaps in provision and provide support to people who want to get fit who maybe don’t know where to go or don’t have the means to.
“They can come along to the sessions and enjoy some physical activity by playing football and having fun.
“At the same time, hopefully we are supporting them with their needs, improving mental and physical health, socialising with others, meeting new people and working on key skills.”
Gavin Jones, inclusion lead with Wolves Foundation and also coach of the adult disability team and Mark Bromley, coach of the Under-16s and a player with the adults, will be involved in delivering the sessions.
“Our disability teams have proved extremely popular and are right up to capacity but we also get a lot of enquiries from people who just want to become more active and enjoy some football and exercise without wanting to play competitively,” says Gavin.
“At present there aren’t many opportunities to do that within the city so our new sessions run as part of Active Through Football will be really beneficial.
“It is an opportunity for people to attend recreational pan disability sessions in a fun, safe and inclusive environment.”
The adult disability sessions take place every Tuesday from 2pm-3pm at the Aldersley Arena. For more details email liamturner@wolves.co.uk or gavinjones@wolves.co.u