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Vladimir Putin was given a puppy as a birthday gift and it was all totally normal

The Russian leader gave the little pup a kiss on the head after it was handed to him.

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(Maxim Shemetov/AP)

The Russian president has been given a puppy by the leader of Turkmenistan as a birthday gift.

Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov presented Putin, who has just turned 65, with the little pooch at a meeting in the Russian Black Sea resort of Sochi.

Putin previously received an Akita named Yume from a Japanese official and a Bulgarian shepherd named Buffy from Bulgaria’s leader in 2010.

Russia Puppy-Presidential Presents
(Alexei Nikolsky/AP)


Russia Turkmenistan
(Maxim Shemetov/AP)
Russia Turkmenistan
(Alexei Druzhinin/AP)

The little pup is a rare breed too – am alabai, a Turkmen shepherd dog.

And just look how cute it was when Putin put it down on the floor.

Russia Turkmenistan
(Alexei Druzhinin/AP)
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