This student created the world’s largest Game Boy, and it’s certainly not handheld any more
Try getting that in your pocket.

Games nostalgia is big business, whether it’s old consoles or games from the 20th century, but none are quite as big as this whopping great Game Boy.
Ilhan Unal is a 21-year-old student and softwear developer from Brussels, Belgium, and he’s created the world’s largest version of a games device that made its name as a handheld.
Well, it’s not handheld any more.
However, in a large enough room, this colossal creation is a masterpiece – and don’t worry about the availability of massive game cartridges, this device can play any original Game Boy game.
“The Game Boy was a huge part of many people’s childhood, including my own,” Ilhan said.
“I was obsessed with my Game Boy as a kid, so I wanted to create something that would put a smile on little Ilhan’s face, and hopefully on the face of anyone who is a big kid at heart.”

The new Guinness World Records: Gamer’s Edition is out now.