Express & Star

The residents of this apartment complex had an epic sign war

And it was about Donald Trump, of course.


An apartment complex in Washington DC has become the site of a sign war between its residents.

After one resident hung a Trump flag from their balcony, their downstairs neighbour decided to make her feelings known.

She hung a sign reading “Nope” with an upward arrow from her balcony.

The residential complex faces the Washington Nationals baseball stadium and the variety of signs became a talking point for many in the area. After one tweet went viral, the owner of the “Nope” sign came forward on Twitter.

“I just couldn’t walk by every day and see the Trump banner above my apartment,” says Aman Dhanda, 34.

“I looked for one I could buy to express my viewpoint but nothing made the point I wanted to make. So I custom designed one.”

On her motivations for being against Donald Trump, Dhanda told us: “I am an educator, a woman of colour and a daughter of immigrants, so I feel very strongly about the direction and vision this president has. I felt it was necessary to show my viewpoint just as my neighbour felt he needed to show his.”

It would appear that this wasn’t the end of the matter. A few days on, the Trump supporter craftily changed his sign to a Hillary campaign banner, forcing Dhanda to hastily remove her own.

In a final twist, Dhanda tells us: “The building management has asked for all banners to come down by May 1, as it is against leasing agreements to hang anything on balconies.”

That’s the end of that then. We wonder if the next residents’ meeting might be a little awkward?

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