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Not too late to block Assange extradition, WikiLeaks editor says

US President Joe Biden said they were considering a request from the Australian government to drop the prosecution.

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Julian Assange extradition

The editor of WikiLeaks has said it is not too late to halt Julian Assange’s extradition to the US, after President Joe Biden said he is “considering” dropping the prosecution of the journalist.

Mr Biden’s reaction to a question at the White House came on the eve of the fifth anniversary of the WikiLeaks founder being held in Belmarsh prison in London.

He is embroiled in a lengthy legal battle to avoid being extradited.

Mr Biden said the US was considering a request from the Australian government to drop the prosecution.

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has been pressing for Assange’s release for the past few months.

When asked about the request by reporters at the White House on Wednesday, Mr Biden replied: “We’re considering it.”

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said Mr Biden’s comment was encouraging.

“I have said that we have raised, on behalf of Mr Assange, Australia’s national interests, that enough is enough and this needs to be brought to a conclusion, and we’ve raised it at each level of government in every possible way,” Mr Albanese told the ABC.

“Mr Assange has already paid a significant price and enough is enough.

“There’s nothing to be gained by Mr Assange’s continued incarceration in my very strong view and I’ve put that as the view of the Australian government,” he added.

Kristinn Hrafnsson, editor-in-chief of WikiLeaks, said: “The campaign to free Julian Assange is supported by the Australian government, the world’s leading human rights and journalists’ organisations, global world leaders and the Pope.

“It is not too late for President Biden to stop Julian’s extradition to the US, which was a politically motivated act by his predecessor.

“By dropping the charges against Julian he will be protecting freedom of expression and the rights of journalists and publishers globally.

“We urge him to end this legal process, to free Julian, and to recognise that journalism is not a crime.”

Assange is waiting to hear if he can launch a final appeal against extradition.

Mr Biden’s comment was described as “encouraging” by Mr Assange’s lawyer.

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