Express & Star

Sarwar accuses Israeli PM Netanyahu of using conflict ‘as a weapon’

The Scottish Labour leader made the remarks after a speech in Rutherglen, near Glasgow, which saw a demonstration by pro-Palestinian supporters.

Anas Sarwar

Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar has condemned the Israeli prime minister for using the conflict in Gaza as a “weapon in his own political game”.

Anas Sarwar spoke out against Benjamin Netanyahu as he called for an end to the “illegal settlements” in  the West Bank, where hundreds of thousands of Israelis live.

Mr Sarwar said there must be an “an end to illegal occupation” and “an end to illegal settlements that we see in the West Bank”.

The Scottish Labour leader made the remarks following a speech in Rutherglen which attracted a noisy demonstration from pro-Palestinian supporters – who have criticised the UK Labour party over its stance on the conflict in Gaza.

Mr Sarwar however insisted the fighting there was  “an issue that goes beyond party politics”.

Speaking to journalists the Scottish Labour leader said: “The idea that the opposition party in the UK somehow is to blame for the actions of a far right government led by Benjamin Netanyahu, I think trivialises what is a really, really serious and important issue.

“The tragedy we have right now is just like we have to separate Hamas from the Palestinian people, because they do not represent the Palestinian people who are crying out for peace and crying out for change, neither does Benjamin Netanyahu and his government represent the Israeli people either.”

The Scottish Labour leader hit out at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his ‘far right government’ (Stafan Rousseau/PA)

Speaking about the Israeli Prime Minister, Mr Sarwar said: “This is not a man who is interested in peace.

“This is a man who wants to use conflict as a weapon in his own political game rather than deliver the security and peace the people of Israel, just like the people of Palestine, are so desperate for.”

He added: “Ultimately, you are only going to see peace in the region when you see a change in the politics on the ground, both in terms of the political leadership of Israel, but also the political leadership of the Palestinian  side, to be an equal partner in terms of negotiation for peace.”

He also stressed the importance of “seeing every single live as equal, whether it be an Israeli life or a Palestinian life, or be that as a Jewish, Muslim or Christian life”.

Mr Sarwar said: “Only when every life is treated as equal can we see the peace that is desperately needed by the people of Israel and Palestine.”

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