Express & Star

Sub-zero temperatures fail to deter swimmers from sunrise dip

Hundreds of women braved the freezing weather for a dip in the Firth of Forth.

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Sunrise dippers

Hundreds of women have braved sub-zero temperatures to take part in a sunrise dip in the Firth of Forth.

With thermometers remaining stubbornly below freezing overnight into Wednesday, organisers of the International Women’s Day Swimrise at Portobello beach near Edinburgh had taken the decision to call off the official gathering.

Sunrise swimmer
Hundreds of swimmers took part in the dip (Jane Barlow/PA)

But the freezing cold failed to discourage most of those taking part, with swimmers still putting on their costumes and woolly hats and taking a dip in the sea.

The Swimrise was organised by Edinburgh Women’s Aid, which is trying to raise £50,000 this year as it celebrates its 50th anniversary.

Last year, 700 swimmers took part and they raised more than £8,000 for charity.

Sunrise swimmers
Some of those taking part wore fancy dress (Jane Barlow/PA)

Forecasters have said it was the coldest night of the year overnight into Wednesday, with a temperature of minus 15.4C recorded in the Highlands.

Temperatures in Edinburgh were slightly warmer, with the thermometer at the forecaster’s Gogarbank station hitting minus 6.8C when the sun rose between 6 and 7am on Wednesday.

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