Express & Star

Bus converted into mobile vaccination centre

The scheme in West Sussex is targeting people who struggle to get to appointments.

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A bus has been converted into a vaccination centre on wheels to reach people who will struggle to travel to appointments.

The scheme, launched in Crawley, West Sussex on Thursday, is a collaboration between the NHS, Metrobus and the Alliance for Better Care (ABC), which represents GPs.

It is said to be one of the first in the UK.

The bus will visit hard-to-reach communities (Brighton and Hove Buses/PA)

Handrails and seats have been taken out, making more room for medical staff and equipment as they make their rounds.

The vaccination bus is expected to help out the NHS for the duration of the country’s vaccination programme and appointments are invitation-only.

Brighton and Hove and Metrobus managing director Martin Harris said: “We are exceptionally pleased and proud to get behind the rollout of the vital NHS Covid-19 vaccination programme, especially when it helps vulnerable people and hard-to-reach communities get their vaccines.

“Buses have an important part to play in the national effort against Covid, safely transporting key workers to hospitals, shops and other workplaces and being there for passengers making other essential journeys.”

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