Express & Star

Lottery winners knit Christmas angels for children at hospice

The jackpot winners teamed up to support Zoe’s Place Baby Hospice in Middlesbrough.

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Christmas angels campaign

More than 50 National Lottery winners have knitted Christmas angels and bought bags of presents for children at a hospice for babies and toddlers.

The jackpot winners teamed up to support Zoe’s Place Baby Hospice in Middlesbrough, and after the woolly toys are quarantined, they will be given to children, their families and even carers.

These will be handed out in a Christmas grotto gingerbread playhouse which was built for the hospice by a dedicated band of National Lottery winners three years ago.

Christmas angels
Cheryl and Mark Brudenell delivering knitted angels to Lynne and Stu Lawson (Anthony Devlin/PA)

Mark and Cheryl Brudenell, from Stockton-on-Tees, who won £1 million on Lotto in 1997, have become patrons of Zoe’s Place since their win.

Cheryl has been among the team of around 50 winners knitting angels around the clock.

She said: “We just wanted to do our bit to help and support. It was the perfect activity for me during lockdown – keeping me busy whilst also knowing I was doing something for such a great cause and one which is so close to both of our hearts at the same time.

“The angels really do bring smiles to faces and this is just wonderful to see.”

Also joining in was Elaine Thompson, from Newcastle, who won £2.7 million on Lotto in 1995.

She said: “Charity is something which is close to all of our hearts.

Christmas angels campaign
Lynne and her daughters Annabelle, 11, Penelope, seven, and whose other daughter, Emilia, two, attends Zoe’s Place (Anthony Devlin/PA)

“I, like many of the other National Lottery winners, really like to do something special for others at Christmas time.

“The angels all have a personal touch and I am delighted that they will bring so much joy to so many people.”

Million-pound winners Pam Aird, from Abingdon, Oxfordshire, and Judith Coombes, from Southampton, were delighted to knit for the good cause as well.

Rebecca Jobson, head of fundraising at Zoe’s Place Baby Hospice, said: “We cannot thank the National Lottery winners enough.

“To think that a small group knitted so many angels during November is amazing.

“Every single angel delivered will make a difference.”

Zoe’s Place Baby Hospice, which provides free care to babies aged from birth to five years who are suffering from life-limiting or life-threatening conditions, has previously received more than £200,000 of National Lottery funding.

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